I have been receiving a bunch of positive reaction towards my eyelashes followed by the question if it is eyelash extensions or something similar that I use. So I've thought why not share with you guys what I use, and actually its not complicated at all. Living on an Island where it can get very dry and dusty at times, with my dozen counts of allergies I tend to get watery eyes. Causing that It would run down my face ruining my makeup whenever I had normal mascara on. Back then when I moved to The Netherlands where the variety of beauty products are much more extended then on Bonaire my search to a promising mascara has started. I tried the eyelash curler and different other mascaras but none of them worked out for me.  But then I found my savior, the WATERPROOF mascara! This is the most amazing invention in the beauty industry. 'Well for me at least!' When I discovered that this would hold my eyelashes up in place and lasted me the entire day I knew my search was over and that there was nothing else that could beat this. So no, I do not use eyelash extension nor anything other than the waterproof mascara! Depending on what the occasion maybe I would put on another layer or two of mascara to make my eyelashes look more “dramatic”. 

So the brand that I have been loving for years is Maybelline (WATERPROOF)! They have in my opinion the best drugstore mascaras out there!
The following once are my faves! 

The Falsies Volume Express
The Falsies help with lengthening the lashes

The Colossal Volume Express 
The Colossal creates volume 

Rocket Volume 
The Rocket creates both volume and length 

So if you ever want big full lashes with volume try one of these waterproof mascaras! 

Ps. I would love to hear what is your favorite mascara.


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