MY WEEK IN PHOTOS - week four

BON SIMAN! A new week a new post!

On Tuesday we went to the hilarious comedy "Bon Bini Holland". I've laughed my ass of and the Judeska character is by far my favorite! After the movie we went for a quick bite!

As you may know by now, we have been watching Breaking Bad and we are at season 4 so it's almost done! Of course we had to watch it on Wednesday since we did not do so on Monday and Tuesday! And by next week we will start with a new serie! OMG these things are sooo addictive! We've watch a total of 5 episode accompanied by some take out sushi! YUM!

On Thursday we've had a little Italian dinner that was made by a family member!

Saturday I stayed home the whole day enjoying some Me time, while the bf was working.

This Sunday was quite a day! We went to lunch, after that we vistited a new family member, she is sooo cute! Then we stopped in down town to watch the "Karnaval di Mucha" (kids Carnival), and later that afternoon our friend picked us up by boat and enjoyed each others company.


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