The struggles of the long haired girl, well this may be the last thing on your mind when you see a girl with long hair pass you bye. The only thing you see are those beautiful long locks move slowly from left to right and gently bouncing around.
Well let me break it to you girls, talking from experience I will tell you that long haired girls have allot of struggle while dealing with our hair. I LOVE my long hair, it has forever been a part of me but the struggles my dears, are real AF!

1. While eating your hair tends to lean peacefully in your plate, thinking that you will share your food; no questions asked!

2. Trying to take a picture while standing in the wind, you will be the only one swinging your hair from left to right hoping for it to stay still for a second, so that you can get a normal picture.  9 out of the 10 times you will end up with a picture where you are totally covered like the IT character from the Addams family.

3. While going to the toilet you will have to pull your hair to the front, for it not to touch the toilet seat.

4. You can NOT sleep with your hair open, otherwise you risk suffocating yourself in the middle of the night.

5. Believe it or not, when I have my hair open, and someone sits next to me, the chances are that that person might rest a butt cheek on my hair.

6. One of the main activities while living on an Island is swimming. On the other hand, I think 10 times before jumping in the water. Just the idea of standing forever in the shower to wash my hair, is the main reason I usually choose not too swim.

7. While it takes a medium length hair 15 minutes to style it, it takes me an hour to do mine.

8. One of those embarrassing things that has happened to me a couple of times is that my hair tends to get caught in-between hangers while shopping.

9. When it gets too hot and you have long hair you always tend to carry either a hair clip or a hair tie.

10. Oh and we have allot of fallouts. Yes your bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, car or wherever you go,
you will leave a trace of your hair.

So girls these are some struggles I have to deal with while having long hair. If you see some resembles while dealing with long hair or if you have other struggles, please share them in the comment section below.


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