So today I wanted to share a couple of fashion items that I got while we were in Miami over the week. I thought maybe it's a great addition to do on the blog from time to time whenever I have some new items to share. Of course I will be sharing allot more while doing my regular outfit shoots, but since I share those kinds of content only once a week I thought with this new addition you don't need to wait until I share a look to see what's new in my closet.

I will be sharing 5 of my most favorite recent purchases and the rest you will see them pop up eventually when I style them.

1. Starting with my new Miu Miu, when I saw them I liked them, but I wasn't sure if I should get it until I showed my boyfriend and he was like, "YASS, BUY IT! They are nice on you, different and a perfect addition for your blog!" So I did!
2. I was absolutely in love with Steven Madden's CHRISTEY, I first saw them on their Instagram and wanted to get them immediately! So when I was browsing trough their store I came across them and yep, I've got them! 
3. Every time before I go abroad and I know there is a possibility that I would be able to shop but not having the whole day to do that, I always make a wish list for what I would like to get. On my wish list this time, I had a printed/patterned top that I wanted. So while strolling in and out of the stores I came across this top from Express that I knew I couldn't leave behind. 

4. This H&M tunic was on my wish list from the moment it came out! I went to 3 different H&M to find it (talk about dedication), and I'm happy I did! Isn't it stunning? It's the perfect summer item!

5. As of recent I have been loving stripes a little to much, and of course I had to get to this stripped culotte from Zara.

Hope that you have enjoyed this new addition on "NEW IN" and I'll try to do these kinds of post as soon as I have new items in my closet. 


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